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Women are a Powerful Force
“The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.”
Adrienne Rich
Mother Nature is calling out to her daughters.
Our planet is currently facing severe challenges, with natural resources being extracted relentlessly and the burden of human pollution becoming increasingly intolerable. Mother Nature has observed the prolonged suffering of both her daughters and the Earth itself. In response, she beckons them to rise and unite, forging a global matriarchy devoid of hierarchical structures. Her call is for unity grounded in truth and love, fostering collaboration to address the multitude of issues spawned by the actions of humanity. The imperative is to mend the damage inflicted upon creation.
The overarching objective of WWP is the cessation of all violence among humans, the propagation of love, the eradication of poverty, and the establishment of equality and freedom for all. While direct participation in our movement is exclusively open to females, we extend a warm welcome to all human beings to align with and support our cause. Keep abreast of our initiatives by subscribing to our email newsletter, and anticipate the forthcoming launch of our Healing Humanity podcast.
Women for World Peace
Truth, Love, and Unity
Women for World Peace
Truth, Love, and Unity